6 Sept 2013

Introduction to my Blog!

          my name is Luke Griffiths and I am a A-LEVEL student at Cardinal Heenan sixth form, this blog is for my coursework in my AS Media course. I am passionate about music, I am even learning to play guitar. The music that I generally enjoy is rock/folk and my favourite band at the moment is a clash between 'Oasis' and 'Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds'.

The whole idea of this blog is to motivate me to crack down on my work and update multiple times a week to show the progress of my studies.

My first assignment is to create a music magazine to promote an up and coming band in my local community.

The type of research that I will be doing to achieve this will consist of:

  • Studying music magazines like Q, Karrang! and the Rolling Stones...
  • Studying the layouts, fonts/typography, colour schemes, the type of images they use and the covers that I can apply to my own mock magazine.
  • See what the target audience is and appeal to it.
  • Research Genres to decide what type of band I would like to promote.
Please look at what I have done so far and please critique as much as possible.

 Thank you,

1 comment:

  1. A good introduction but you need to put some images on here to make it stand out. A good start though.
