25 Oct 2013

Task 10 - College Magazine Cover

I am going to be creating my very own college magazine to show, what I believe is the optimum way to set out a college magazine using this as my image...

I will be editing this image and applying text and other images to turn it into a cover to be reckoned with. I will be using the program GIMP Image Manipulator to do this since that is the program I have installed on my PC at home, where I am doing this.

I have added a funky header that matches with the school colour's too the top.

Next the logo was placed in the top right hand corner. Please note that this is a draft of how I would do it, the real thing would be much more refined. I also made the black sidebar larger to border the image. I also added a title/Masthead to the newsletter as well as a date.

This is my final cover, I re-did it all because the resolution was ruined. I have re-invisioned the title/masthead and am happy with the results. I made the page wider and added text.