17 Oct 2013

Task 9 - Analysing a College Magazine

So, a college magazine eh, thats no magazine, if anything I would call it a newsletter. Two major things jump out at me when I look at this image, the title and the heads message. The title has a cool winter design to keep it fresh and clearly shows that this is related to a school/college. The heads message shows that he/she is clearly involved in the school and not just sitting on the sidelines. It shows him to be proud of the school and that is a great sentiment.

Other things that now jump out at me now that I have looked at the image for a bit longer are the images. The images portray the school with an Ideology of a relaxed learning environment, they also make it seem like there is a lot to do here. With the concert and the graffiti wall, this newsletter shows the school as a forward thinking school that would be a lot of fun to attend.

What I would do differently

Like I mentioned in the first line, this is no magazine so the first thing I will do is actually create a magazine. Next I would neaten up the whole thing, it is very cluttered and it like they believe to make something look good every millimetre of surface area needs to be maximised. Finally I believe that this looks very unprofessional, it looks like it was created by a student in fact, so I would overhaul the graphics on the page to make it look more professional.