6 Dec 2013

Task 14 - Impacts of Photoshop

Photoshop can have a huge effect on society, both negative and positive. In this post I will explore aspects of both and draw a conclusion on whether Photoshop is a tool for the betterment of the Music Industry or a hindrance.

The Positives
  1. The positive effects of photoshop are mainly beneficial for the magazines themselves rather than the consumers, but i'm not going to say that it isn't all bad for the consumers.
  2. The music magazines have a more attractive cover and that makes the magazine sell better, which means more money.
  3. It can make celebrities look like goddesses and give them a lot of great publicity.
  4. The consumer has something nice to look at also.
The Negatives
  1. The consumer is given a false idea of what woman look like and that gives them unreachable goals.
  2. This can lead to anorexic girls and men with high expectations of woman that are unrealistic.
  3. Celebrities can also be negatively impacted by this, the public can get a perception of what they look like when they completely different.
My View

I believe that photoshop is a great tool and no restrictions should be placed upon it as I am completely against censorship of any kind. But I would like a note on the cover that informs us that the image has been altered. Perhaps even just a symbol, like the recyclable symbol.